Cardslingers Coast to Coast

A tarot podcast spanning the North American continent from New York to St. Louis to Portland, OR. Support the podcast by shopping our recommendations at

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Friday Jun 23, 2023

Melissa and Jaymi work on their new musical (don’t worry, it’s not coming out anytime soon). They answer a good listener question from Laura T.:
When I read cards, I like to have two rocks..a silver obsidian and a quartz wand. One anchors me, and the other I just like to hold. Are there any objects you like to have in your space when you read? 
Place items around you that make you feel grounded. Keep stuff to keep away the bad vibes. Keep what you need to make your reading space feel comfortable. Anything that makes you feel calmer and happy does help readings.
We recommend that you visit local gem fairs to get good deals. The Pyramid collection also has great stuff at good prices.
Episode 43: Event Season Cometh (this is where we recommend a tarot go bag for events) 
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Reminder, we would NEVER DM YOU for a reading from any social media site. We schedule all readings and conversations through our personal websites.

Friday Jun 09, 2023

Running a business is a marathon. Getting into this profession requires everyone to wear all the hats. Marketing, social media, sales, accounting. In this episode, we spend some time talking about wearing all the hats.
Homework: Look at your energy and figure out your capacity. Learn what you can do at this moment or when you’re at your best. Doing so will help you uncover what is sustainable.
Past episodes:
Episode 69: The Business of Reading with John Verbrugge
Reality Check blog posts: Part-time versus going full-time posts from Hilary and Theresa Reed
Scoob’s website
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Reminder, we would NEVER DM YOU for a reading on any social media site. We schedule all readings and conversations through our personal websites.

Friday May 26, 2023

Understanding and developing timing in tarot is one of the true moments when you can play with your cards. There are so many different systems out there for divining “when” questions. Melissa, Hilary, and Jaymi discuss various methods they know of and use. We also recommend ways that you can develop your own systems based on your personal locations and situations.
Homework: Practice timing readings. Work on your own system, start big, and then delve deeper into specifics. And ask for feedback to know.
Madame Pamita 
Al Juarez (his “Cuando, Cuando, Cuando” class is amazing)
Christiana Gaudet, Timing Class on YouTube 
Hilary’s clock spread
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Reminder, we would NEVER DM YOU for a reading from any social media site. We schedule all readings and conversations through our personal websites.

Friday May 12, 2023

The cardslingers invite mentor Nancy Hendrickson onto the cast. She helps us dive deep into her world of writing, family history, and her art of healing with blends of tarot. Nancy says, “The more you know about family, the more you know about yourself. People want their stories told.” So, it’s time to get personal with Nancy and learn more about connecting with the ancestors.
Nancy’s books, Ancestral Tarot and Ancestral Grimoire give readers a powerful method to connect to ancestors of all types. Not only do we have a birth family, but we also have a magical family. These books are meant to be worked with and used rather than swiftly read.
Her final wish for the community is to be clear about what we want and take our practices to the next level by finding our niche in tarot and to take the courage and authenticity to do our own.
We’re so grateful to have Nancy in our community and a mentor to us all. Go buy her books, Ancestral Tarot and Ancestral Grimoire. Find Nancy online at and on her Instagram at @nancysageshadow.
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Reminder, we would NEVER DM YOU for a reading on any social media site. We schedule all readings and conversations through our personal websites.

Friday Apr 28, 2023

Hilary and Jaymi talk about reading tarot for your self and Mary K Greer’s Tarot for Yourself. Strangely the two do relate, and cross over, and we feel it’s time to chat about the connections and our observations. We discuss what happens when the cards call you out and go a lot deeper than you expected for reading material. And we share stories of when tarot came for us when reading for others.
Homework: Record readings from others and get permission to write that down. See if there’s a message for you in them. Learn to discern how this happens.
Cardslingers Episode 33 Stalker Cards
Cardslingers Episode 30 Birth Cards
Mary Greer’s Tarot Cycle series:
Tarot for Yourself, (three editions out all with the same name, link goes to current edition);
Tarot Constellations, revised and renamed Who are you in the Tarot? for a 2nd edition, and to Tarot Archetypes as a 3rd edition; 
Tarot Mirrors.
Tarot for One by Courtney Weber 
Tarot Visions podcast episodes on the Tarot for Yourself Read-along (show notes include links to any worksheets Jaymi made)
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Reminder, we would NEVER DM YOU for a reading from any social media site. We schedule all readings and conversations through our personal websites.

Friday Apr 14, 2023

Reading and understanding cards can be hard for beginners. The companion book or little white book (LWB) can be viewed as a boat or a harbor that anchors you instead of being set adrift on a sea of tarot meanings/interpretations. However, as you grow and learn, you’ll find that cards have a wide variety of meanings. So, in today’s episode, we answer two listener questions about how you figure out what cards mean to you when the LWBs have different meanings. 
Homework: Keep a meanings journal. Compile various meanings for each card from all the sources you have available to you. Do it online or printed and see where things intersect and differ. Personal meanings are as valid as what “experts” write.
Decks Mentioned: 
Scorpio Sea Tarot by Maggie Stiefvater and Melissa Cynova 
Handl Tarot  (and the companion books, Major Arcana, and Minor Arcana, by Rachel Pollack) 
Mary-El Tarot by Marie White
Wild Unknown Tarot by Kim Krans
Herbal Tarot by Michael Tierra and Candis Cantin
The Savvy Soul Tarot by Julie Waidelich
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Reminder, we would NEVER DM YOU for a reading from any social media site. We schedule all readings and conversations through our personal websites.

Friday Mar 24, 2023

Usually, tarot uses the information from the cards that readers lay on the table. But what about what doesn’t show up? Can it tell us anything? Hilary and Jaymi talk about how one can read between the lines and show what’s missing from what doesn’t appear in a spread. Jaymi views cards in a spread as the main focus. When cards or suits don’t appear, they’re unimportant; things are a-ok. The real answer is what’s being shown. However, Hilary sees things differently.  Listen in to hear her framework.
Homework: Do a few readings exploring missing cards or seeing what’s not on the table. See how this expands your readings for both yourself and others.
We Recommend:
Tarot for One by Courtney Weber – which contains info from Hilary on this. Also a great resource for anyone wanting to read for themselves.
Significators episodes:#49 What are Significators?#50 The Cardslingers Weigh in on Significators
Learn more from past Hilary as she developed her points of view on The Tarot Lady's blog.
Tarot Bytes with Theresa Reed and Hilary where they discuss this very thing 
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Reminder, we would NEVER DM YOU for a reading from any social media site. We schedule all readings and conversations through our personal websites.

Friday Mar 10, 2023

Welcome back, Lis! We missed you. And what is this? A haunted deck. Oooh. Thanks. Hilary hates it, and Jaymi wants to get her hands on it. So, dear listeners, we’re discussing personalities we assign to our decks, whether they are truly haunted or angry. We give you ways to deal with these personalities.
Decks mentioned:
Untold Tales, a home-made deck by Ingred Blackstock (Jaymi was not able to find a link, sadly)
Deviant Moon Tarot by Patrick Valenza (link takes you to purchase the Borderless edition)
Mary-El Tarot by Marie White
Haindl Tarot by Hermann Haindl (has wonderful companion books by Rachel Pollack)
For more on this topic:
Read Sophia’s (Hilary’s mentee) third newsletter, which discusses using “used” decks.
Our friend and mentor Beth Owl’s Daughter has some cool wisdom from her newsletter dated 31/MAY/2022. 
What I mean is that the Tarot starts out as a system that you can read up on, learn, practice, and use. And that’s great. And that’s where most people stick.
Except I have noticed that, given half a chance, it doesn’t take long before the cards start to really GET you.
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Reminder, we would NEVER DM YOU for a reading on any social media site. We schedule all readings and conversations through our personal websites.

Friday Feb 24, 2023

Hilary and Jaymi revisit some listener questions focused around spreads. This episode revisits and expands information from episode 53. Which is “what spreads do you guys use, and how to determine which to use for each client?” We recommend you have a small stockpile for various topics. We also like to create our own spreads from scratch and often use a spread creation deck. Hilary has a formula for reading spreads which is “card interpretation + positional meaning + interaction of cards = interpretation within a spread.”
Homework: think about spreads you use, and dig deep into thinking why you have them and use them.
Good Books and Decks for Spread Creation:
Tierney Sadler’s Deck of 1000 Spreads
Kimbery Tsan’s Spread Crafter’s Oracle
Go buy Hilary’s book, How to Read Tarot.
Also, go buy Tarot Elements by Melissa Cynova to get a whole spread program to help fix your shit.
And, Jaymi’s book, Tarot Inspired Life, also has a chapter on spreads with using and creating them.
Listen to these Past Episodes
37– for Celtic cross information
50– Cardslingers weigh in on significators
53– To Spread or Not to Spread
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Reminder, we would NEVER DM YOU for a reading on any social media site. We schedule all readings and conversations through our personal websites.

Friday Feb 10, 2023

Hilary and Jaymi take time to chat with one of their beloved mentors, Theresa Reed. Join in as Theresa shares many great nuggets of wisdom, including this one: 
“We must never take our elders, teachers, and mentors for granted.  They deserve the ultimate respect for passing down their experience and wisdom. To be in the presence of greatness and knowledge is a gift, one that can be taken away in the blink of an eye.
So today, thank the teachers, mentors, and wise elders in your life. Show your gratitude for what they are giving you. Honor them NOW while they are still here.”
Theresa Recommends:
Rebecca Gordon
Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone 
Mary K Greer
Rachel Pollak
3 A.M tarot
Cassandra SnowFor more about Theresa Reed, follow her on her Twitter and Instagram accounts. Or sign up for her Patreon.
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Reminder, we would NEVER DM YOU for a reading on any social media site. We schedule all readings and conversations through our personal websites.

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