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Visit our storefront to purchase books and decks we've recommended on our episodes. We get a small percentage of each sale made.
Friday Jun 14, 2024
Friday Jun 14, 2024
Aces are the first step of each minor suit. In this case, we relate the wands to the element of fire and a season. It can be the idealized focus for Wands. It’s the ember of the fire seen in the suit. It’s a spark of the idea or connection. They help focus the potential energy into focus.
Decks Mentioned
Rider Waite Smith by AE Waite and Pamala Coleman Smith
Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law (Czech edition, now out of print)
Luna Sol Tarot by Liminal 11
Do you like what you hear? Send feedback to us at Follow us on Twitter at and Instagram at
Support our podcast with books. We’re adding all the books from each episode to our Cardslingers CC store. Each purchase from this store gives us a percentage to cover our costs! Finally, we’re announcing our new Cardslingers YouTube channel at
Reminder: We will NEVER DM you for a reading on any social media site. We schedule all readings and conversations through our personal websites.
Friday May 24, 2024
Friday May 24, 2024
Welcome back to the cards. Hilary, Lis, and Jaymi kick off the minors. We see the minors as the day-to-day nitty-gritty items of our lives. These cards are broken down into two aspects: the numbered cards and the court cards. There are four suits to the 56 cards. Each one has its association with an element that relates to one of the four elements: air (swords), fire (wands), cups (water), and earth (pentacles/discs/coins).
We’re going to reveal the numbers as a whole. So you’ll get four episodes detailing the aces, the twos, etc., and then we’ll give a wrap-up. We’ll begin with the Ace of Wands starting next month!
Homework: Separate your deck into majors and minors. Look at the minor arcana and see what comes up. Then, do a reading with the minors and a majors-only reading to see how each reading deals with the same topic.
Resources Mentioned
36 Secrets by T. Susan Chang
Rebecca Szymczak
Do you like what you hear? Send feedback to us at Follow us on Twitter at and Instagram at our podcast with books. We’re adding all the books from each episode to our Cardslingers CC store. Each purchase from this store gives us a percentage to cover our costs! Finally, we’re announcing our new Cardslingers YouTube channel at
Reminder: We will NEVER DM you for a reading on any social media site. We schedule all readings and conversations through our personal websites.
Friday May 10, 2024
Friday May 10, 2024
Two weeks ago, we had our 100th episode. Instead of doing a recording, we did our first YouTube Live on our very own YouTube channel. We took questions for viewers, brought Kendra, the producer, on, and had fun. Here's the recording from that.
Do you like what you hear? Send feedback to us at Follow us on Twitter at and Instagram at our podcast with books. We’re adding all the books from each episode to our Cardslingers CC store. Each purchase from this store gives us a percentage to cover our costs! Finally, we’re announcing our new Cardslingers YouTube channel at
Reminder: We will NEVER DM you for a reading on any social media site. We schedule all readings and conversations through our personal websites.
Friday Apr 12, 2024
Friday Apr 12, 2024
Hilary and Jaymi talk about their journey into right-sizing their tarot collections. Whether it’s because you run out of space or self-imposing a container size, it’s good to take a peek at your collections and see what you have and whether or not it’s still loved and useful for you.
Please read (and download) Jaymi’s article on right-sizing your collection, published in The Cartomancer Magazine (volume 8, issue 2, summer 2022). She is allowing everyone to download a free copy of her article.Homework: Please share images of your deck collection with us. You can email us at, or tag one of us on Instagram.
Decks Mentioned
The CrystalStruck Tarot by Moonstruck Crystals
Legacy of the Divine Tarot by Ciro Marchetti
Melissa wants a Delta Enduring Tarot (Out of Print) copy. If you have it, please email it to her.
Do you like what you hear? Send feedback to us at Follow us on Twitter at and now on Instagram at
Support our podcast with books. We’re adding all the books from each episode to our Cardslingers CC store. Each purchase from this store gives us a percentage to cover our costs!
Reminder: We will NEVER DM you for a reading on any social media site. We schedule all readings and conversations through our personal websites.
Friday Mar 29, 2024
Friday Mar 29, 2024
The last of the major arcana cards, The World is both an ending and another beginning. This episode examines how The World card is a portal to the past and our future. We also share our favorite World cards from our collections.
Check out Courtney Weber’s Tarot for One, and listen to her That Witch Life podcast.
Other episodes
Into the Mystic, Part One
Into the Mystic, Part Two
Decks mentioned
Hilary: Witch Sister Tarot by Julia Jeffery and The Star Seed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell and illustrated by Danielle Noel.
Jaymi: Tarot of Oneness by Robyn Voisey
Lis: Little Monsters Tarot by Peony Coin Archer First edition is out of print; however, there is a Kickstarter for a new oval edition which you can back until Monday, April 1, 2024.
Friday Mar 15, 2024
Friday Mar 15, 2024
We love you all! And because life got crazy for us all, we’ve decided to clean out the inbox. Here are our quickfire answers to some of your earlier messages. From revisiting meanings in the little white booklet to ethical questions on reading cards for people we know; to learning which decks are good for clients or other situations; we’re eternally thankful for your patience and your questions.
Connected Episodes
Episode 76 When Tarot Come for Me
Tarot Disassembled by Jennifer Steidley
Rider Waite Smith Tarot
Reflective Tarot from US Games
Simple Tarot by Angie Green
Scorpio Seas by Melissa Cynova and Maggie Stiefvater
The Black Violet Tarot by Heidi Phelps
Do you like what you hear? Send feedback to us at Follow us on Twitter at and now on Instagram at
Reminder: We will NEVER DM you for a reading on any social media site. We schedule all readings and conversations through our personal websites.
Support our podcast with books. We’re adding all the books from each episode to our Cardslingers CC store. Each purchase from this store gives us a percentage to cover our costs!
Friday Feb 23, 2024
Friday Feb 23, 2024
Heed the call! Let the angel’s voice wash over you. Cleanse the slate of your sins. Judgment is a card of perspective, in who perceives you. Judgment is the law of the higher self. Use this knowledge gained from the past cards of the major arcana to lead you into alignment for the next project, the next stage of your life’s path.
Decks Mentioned
Intro poem from A Poet’s Tarot by Josep Miquel Sobrer, published by Liminal 11
Lis: Little Monsters Tarot by Peony Coin. Lis uses the Out of Print deck, however... you can back the new edition via Kickstarter until March 19, 2024. She also mentions the Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Law
Hilary: Crystal Unicorn Tarot by Pamela Chen OOP and, the Meraki Tarot by Bouchette Design
Jaymi: Gaian Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert, and the Triple Goddess Tarot by Jaymi Elford and Franco Rivolli
References's page on Judgment
The Never Ending Story movie
Do you like what you hear? Send feedback to us at Follow us on Twitter at and now on Instagram at
Support our podcast with books. We’re adding all the books from each episode to our Cardslingers CC store. Each purchase from this site gives us a percentage to cover our costs!
Reminder: We would NEVER DM YOU for a reading on any social media site. We schedule all readings and conversations through our personal websites.
Friday Feb 09, 2024
Friday Feb 09, 2024
Hilary, Melissa, and Jaymi discuss soul mates, twin flames, and kindred spirits. They relate it back to tarot readings and the divination community. We discuss the concepts, pitfalls to avoid, and how to deal with clients who seek their ultimate love. We recommend that you cultivate a relationship with yourself. Learn what you want in your life and secure your emotional boundaries. Remember that The Lovers card is a new relationship, an endorphin hype card while the Two of Cups is grounded and realistic.
Hilary added this page for more information on twin flames and soul mates. We do not endorse this info at all:
Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery
Melissa’s Future book (working title: Kitchen Table Circle)
Episode 17: Sexy, Sexy Fun Choices. The Cardslingers discuss The Lovers card.
Do you like what you hear? Send feedback to us at Follow us on Instagram at Support our podcast with books. We’re adding all the books from each episode to our Cardslingers CC store. Each purchase from this store gives us a percentage to cover our costs!
Reminder: We would NEVER DM YOU for a reading on any social media site. We schedule all readings and conversations through our personal websites.
Friday Jan 26, 2024
Friday Jan 26, 2024
We got a listener question regarding condescending feedback and clients that fight you on your interpretation. We tell stories of how this worked in our lives, and we give feedback on how to deal with this situation as it relates to client readings and social media posts. Bottom line: don’t be a dick. (Props to Wil Wheaton.)
Homework: Know the intention and why you’re posting, and that can help you deal with various feedbacks.
Do you like what you hear? Send feedback to us at Follow us on Twitter at and now on Instagram at
Reminder, We would NEVER DM YOU for a reading on any social media site. We schedule all readings and conversations through our personal websites.
Friday Jan 12, 2024
Friday Jan 12, 2024
Hey, this is our fifth year! And we have so much to share with you all. We give you a small road map of where we’re gonna go this year. Including more card episodes, mentor chats, divination reviews, listener reviews, and maybe discussing some of the US fortune-telling laws.
Resources Mentioned
Empty Cup Oracle
Do you like what you hear? Send feedback to us at Follow us on Twitter at and now on Instagram at
Reminder, We would NEVER DM YOU for a reading on any social media site. We schedule all readings and conversations through our personal websites.